弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页

From Reston, VA majoring in Human Development and Psychology

Clubs/Organizations at 弗吉尼亚理工大学:

Student Staff Council

You can find me hanging out on campus at:

Newman Hall or the Drillfield

If I'm not in class, I am (this can include what you do in your downtime, organization/club involvement, 体育, 等.):

Hanging out with friends, at my job as an RA or doing undergraduate re搜索 at the CDCLR

My favorite meal on campus is:

Chicken Banh Mi from the Grillfield

My advice for the college 搜索 process is...

Go and visit the campuses if you can, it helps to find out if you can really see yourself going to that school!

I chose 弗吉尼亚理工大学 because...

After coming to visit through the Gateway Program, I fell in love with the school, 学生们, and the opportunities I had to do undergrad re搜索.
