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Matthew Hull


Matthew Hull

Nanotechnology, Ecotoxicology, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship

I studied environmental science as an undergrad at Ferrum College. From there, I first came to Virginia Tech to pursue a master's degree in Don Cherry's ecotoxicology lab. Next, I went to work for a small tech firm where I explored the interfaces of nanotechnology and the environment. 我回到弗吉尼亚理工大学攻读博士学位.D. in environmental engineering with Peter Vikesland and Nancy Love. Around that time, I started NanoSafe in the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center (VTCRC). 在完成博士学位之后, I took a position with the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) and have been with Virginia Tech ever since.

My interests combine sustainability, converging technologies, and 企业家hip. I'm fascinated by the applications and implications of nanotechnology, and those interests have translated into other emerging technology domains. Emerging technologies offer so much promise toward solving human health and sustainability challenges; conversely, 他们可以创造新的挑战. 创业精神与这些话题密切相关, and I enjoy connecting with student and faculty 企业家.

我目前的研究跨越了学科界限. I'm broadly focused on sustainability applications and implications of emerging technologies, 特别是纳米技术. I'm currently adapting a safety framework I developed for nano to help reduce COVID-19 risks in small businesses. I'm also working with an interdisciplinary team to develop technology-enhanced ways of communicating with the public about sustainability.

我第一次发现了对这项工作的热情 ...
对我来说,没有真正的“顿悟时刻”. It's been more of a gradual acceptance of who I am and how my work can benefit others. 火可以来来回回. There are times you take it one day at a time, wondering if your work makes any difference at all. 然后是2020年, where there was this burning desire to work night and day to address COVID-19 research challenges with immediate real-world impact.

我希望我能发明 ...
SkyGuide! 小时候,我就设想过这个工具. I could never make out the constellations in the night sky and imagined a telescope that could automatically connect the stars. 我想到了一个模拟解决方案, but it turns out that the digital revolution led to a two dollar app that does the job remarkably better than I could!

我最喜欢的一句话 ...
That has to be the "Think Different" ad by Apple/Steve Jobs 1997: "Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, 捣乱分子, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, 不同意他们的观点, 赞美或诋毁他们, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, 虽然有些人可能认为他们很疯狂, 网上赌博网站十大排行看到了天才, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, 是那些知道的人吗."

在我的领域里让我兴奋的东西 ...
I find myself transitioning more into a mentorship role in my field, and that has been very exciting – more so than I ever really imagined. 当你建立你的事业, there’s this constant pressure to climb some never-ending professional ladder and that’s just no longer appealing, exciting, 或者对我来说是可持续的. This transition has brought me comfort – in allowing me to relax – and joy in helping others achieve their career goals.

我看到了我这个领域的未来 ...
更加多元包容. I’d like to challenge those in my field to find those cultural and political viewpoints that upset, confuse, or anger them and to seek ways to better understand and engage them. While our outputs must always be rigorously measured and vetted, 比如疫苗, publications, standards, 工程系统, 网上赌博网站十大排行的机构, tools, and programs must be broadly accessible to maximize the diversity of viewpoints considered.

这是我最具影响力的经历 ...
在户外和小溪里玩耍, 摆弄割草机和汽车, and, 最重要的是, 有家庭, friends, mentors, 还有那些鼓励我的教练. There have been so many people in my life who looked out for me.

我所参与的团体或组织 ...
ICTAS, NanoEarth, 大分子创新研究所, 科技造福人类, 创意研究所, Arts, 和技术, 综合科学院, 生物转化, Medicine, and Health, VTCRC, NanoSafe, Kiva, 美国化学学会, 可持续纳米技术组织.

我的工作影响社会 ...
I'm sensitive to the safety of blue-collar workers and families and the sustainability of our planet. 我的作品倾向于关注社会的这些方面.

我最自豪的荣誉或奖励 ...
我的朋友和家人很少知道我有博士学位.D.! 比起成就,我更愿意让人产生共鸣.

我读过的最后一篇文章 ...
我会给你最后一篇文章和最后一本书! 上一篇文章:“政府需要创新者, 企业家, and disruptors: If you want to make large-scale change in the world, consider a stint in public service” (by Sean McManus and Brett Dobbs, 21年2月10日发表于Fast Company). I also just wrapped up a book my daughter picked out for me for Christmas: "Go Like Hell: Ford, Ferrari, and Their Battle for Speed and Glory at Le Mans" (by AJ Baime).

鼓励一位有抱负的发明家的话 ...
Nike coined a great slogan in the late 80's that encouraged athletes to JUST DO IT. I’d say those are pretty good words for aspiring inventors, too. Don’t get hung up on what you don’t know or how your idea might be perceived. I’ve had terrible ideas, but I’ve also had some pretty good ones.

如果我有超能力,那就是 ...
It'd definitely be to stop time for a little while — my kids are growing up way too fast!

在我空闲的时候 ...
Relaxing outdoors, cup of coffee in hand, surrounded by my family, or my pod during COVID-19 times.

在弗吉尼亚理工大学工作最好的部分 ...
This is home. I grew up 30 minutes from here - I feel that Virginia Tech and I are here, together, for a reason.



(540) 231-6959



Matthew Hull    |   Research and Scholarship Program Manager



(540) 231-5812

Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science - Faculty Bio Page


