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Pinhas Ben-Tzvi


Pinhas Ben-Tzvi

Robotics and Automation; Mechatronics; Controls; Sensing/Actuation; Machine Learning

As a professor of mechanical engineering and electrical and computer engineering and the founding director of the Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory at Virginia Tech, I am passionate about educating students at the graduate and undergraduate level in robotics and mechatronics, transferring university-based technologies to the marketplace, and collaborating with industry and government to help solve real-world problems. 

With my students, we conduct fundamental and applied re搜索 in robotics and mechatronics. Some of our current projects include robotic exoskeletons for use in rehabilitation, bio-inspired robotic tails that can be used to stabilize and maneuver legged robots in the field, and semi-autonomous victim extraction robots  that can remove injured people from harm’s way without risking more lives.

I earned a bachelors in mechanical engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of 技术, 硕士和博士学位.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Toronto. Before attending graduate school, I worked as an R&D engineer at General Electric Medical Systems Company, developing medical diagnostic robotic and mechatronic systems. In 2019 I received the College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, 并于2018年获得学院研究员奖.

The rapid development of robotic technologies and their integration into our society.

从很小的时候开始, I recall being obsessed with how things worked by taking apart various types of machines and appliances and trying to put them back together. It did not always work, but it was very instructive. 除了, 小时候, I was inspired by sci-fi tv shows and 70's and 80's movies such as the six million dollar man, 星际迷航:下一代和更多.

By seeking to understand how humans and robots can safely and effectively interact with one another and to invent robotic technologies with the purpose of improving quality of life and augmenting human capabilities that results in human-robot symbiosis.

Very exciting as robotic technologies become more and more omnipresent in our society.

Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers..

Graduating Summa Cum Laude from the Technion - Israel Institute of 技术.


Remembering as a child my parents' 奉献 and hard work as immigrants to give us a better life and believing in me and pushing me to succeed was a source of perpetual inspiration that stayed with me throughout my whole life and career. 这教会了我努力工作的价值, 奉献, 韧性, 有激情, and to never give up despite obstacles on the way.


A perpetual engine and a miniature perpetual energy source—  just like the one in the movie Iron Man!

Words of encouragement to an aspiring inventor...

熟能生巧! Never give up because you run into difficulties developing your ideas. Be persistent and keep abreast of current technological and scientific developments. Do not be satisfied with what you already know, but rather what new knowledge you can acquire and new skills you can learn. Remember that learning is a never-ending process!

Working at one of the best engineering colleges in the nation, 周围都是聪明的人, working with top-notch self-motivated students, and creating and cultivating new re搜索 ideas for students to pursue..

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination" - Einstein


绝对传送. But, if I could pick another one, then it would be time travel. The first is about space and the second is about time. 毕竟, the physical universe is defined as all of space and time (collectively referred to as spacetime) and their contents.


我喜欢与我的妻子和孩子共度时光, 读书, 听古典音乐, 烘焙和烹饪, watching documentaries and science fiction movies, 旅行, and pondering about the universe and what's out there, 仅举几个例子……

我最聪明的, 美丽的, 和支持她的妻子, 安妮特, 还有我四个了不起的孩子, 东帝汶, 乔纳森, 丹尼尔和萨拉, 还有对我慈爱的父母的怀念



(540) 231-6959



Pinhas Ben-Tzvi |教授

Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech College of Engineering


(540) 231-6938




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